GFWC Ossoli Circle 
Founded in 1885 and the Clubhouse was built in 1933
and on National Register of  Historic Places 

2511 Kingston Pike Knoxville, Tennessee 37919

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 10892
Knoxville, Tennessee 37939-0892

  • July 24 at 1o:00 am – Summer Ossoli Circle Board of Directors’ Meeting

  • August 12 – I Love Ossoli Tea at the home of President Hillis.  RSVP to Wanda Taylor or Janie Bitner. 

  • September 9 – Opening and Membership Coffee

  • September 28 –  GFWC Day of Service focusing on food insecurity.

What is GFWC Ossoli Circle?

GFWC Ossoli Circle is a Woman’s Club in Knoxville dedicated to education and service.  We meet each Monday at our Clubhouse, which is on the historic register.  Founded in 1885 as a literary society, the club is a charter member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Service is Our Game !

Ossoli Circle strives to   make a positive difference in the greater Knoxville community  through both service projects and donations from fundraising activities. In 2023, 36 area organizations benefited from  5853 service hours by Ossoli members.

Presentations and Projects

Presentation/projects are usually from one the following  areas:  Arts and Culture, Environment, Education, Health and Wellness, Advocates for Children, Civic Engagement, Domestic Violence. Click here to view the calendar with upcoming events.  

Looking for an organization devoted to improving community and advocating for women? Consider joining GFWC Ossoli Circle.

President Hillis Attends GFWC LEADS

Mrs. Sherry Hillis
President, 2024-2025

It was an honor to be chosen as the LEADS (Leadership, Education ad Development Seminar) candidate from Tennessee at the annual GFWC 2024 Convention in Chicago.  I met ladies from 42 states and had opportunities to network and make new friends. We had a full day of classes in parliamentary procedure, public speaking and presentation skills, conflict resolution, body language and listening skills, our influence on the hill and health and wellness. We wrapped up the day with a special graduation ceremony including presentation of certificates and photos with our GFWC leaders.

Fundraising Opportunities

The Summer holidays are almost here and that means getting your honey baked ham, smoked or roasted turkey, and all of the side dishes. To order go to:

The Legacy of Lizzie Crozier French is alive and well in Knoxville , Tennessee today.

The Tennessee Woman Suffrage Memorial is located at Market Square in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee.

Historic Marker honoring Lizzie Crozier French placed at Ossoli Circle Clubhouse. 

Updated on June 30, 2024