President Goldstine selected ” Second Harvest” for the President’s Project in 2023. Second Harvest of East Tennessee serves 18 counties by providing food to 143,000 children, adults, and seniors each month. The 2023/2024 GFWC Ossoli Circle President designated this much-needed community service as her “President’s Project”. The project was briefly presented to club members during the GFWC Ossoli Circle Opening Coffee.* At the clubhouse, the following Monday, September 18, a representative from the Second Harvest organization gave a more detailed presentation. Ms. Kelly Henry, Second Harvest Major Gifts Officer, explained to club members “what they do, how they do it, and why they do it”. The information she shared was enlightening and tugged on one’s heart-strings. She explained how Second Harvest Volunteers help ensure needy Veterans, Seniors, Families, Children, and College Students get the critical food supplies they need to survive and/or help resolve their food insecurities. Ms. Henry told stories of parents not willing to share the sparse amount of food in their homes with their children, and how Second Harvest gives teacher’s food items that can be carried home in a backpack. This enables a child to have their own food to eat at night and not go to bed hungry. She spoke of “Angels” (volunteers in their organization) finding and feeding Veterans that are living on their own “in the woods”. And about the importance of supplying food to needy college students so they can focus on an education. One of the members said the number one reason given by college students at Pellissippi college for dropping-out was food insecurities. Sometimes the student is the household’s sole provider, and to ensure the family can eat, they have to choose work instead of going to school. The presentation, along with highly visible Second Harvest displays in the clubhouse, and subsequent interactions with the organization has kept members excited and motivated. Club members have been collecting food items, such as canned goods and peanut butter, and monetary donations for the organization. So far, 2023 calendar year, the club has donated $4000 which is will provide 12000 meals of food and many pounds of food. Ossoli in Action recently announced an additional $1000 donation to Second Harvest.