Founder’s Day 2020
GFWC Ossoli Circle celebrated 135 years! What an amazing milestone for the circle. Members were treated to a historical reading of important highlights in women's rights influenced by Lizzie Crozier…
GFWC Ossoli Circle celebrated 135 years! What an amazing milestone for the circle. Members were treated to a historical reading of important highlights in women's rights influenced by Lizzie Crozier…
Todd Morgan accepts $5000 check from Ossoli Circle for Historic Westwood ADA compliant sidewalkWork is never done Ossoli Circle sisters weed and trim shrubs What ia fine looking crewSidewalk to…
Wreath Laying Ceremony in honor of the 19th Amendment Centennial The Knox County Council of Regents (Daughters of the American Revolution - DAR) invited Ossoli Circle's President and Past President…
Congratulations to Ossoli Circle Members!Renee HamiltonRookie of the YearNancy CarmonTribute of HonorKim Overman2020 LEADS Candidate for TNAt the International Level:GFWC International Outreach Awards - Ossoli Circle won for Shot @…
Monday, May 18, at 1:00, Veronda from the Unicorn Shop in Wartburg, will be coming to the clubhouse to pickup our donated items for their charity shop. There are a…
Every year on April 24, the over 3,000 clubs that make up GFWC remember the day in 1890 that made all of this possible. In 1890, 22 years after Jane…
In conjunction with celebrating Arbor Day, President Janie Bitner and President Elect Wanda Taylor presented a native Sweetbay Magnolia tree to Todd Morgan, Executive Director of Knox Heritage. This tree…