Ossoli Circle Celebrate 139th Founders’ Day
GFWC Ossoli Circle celebrated the 139th anniversary of the Circle on Monday, November 18, 2024, with a production titled “A Visit from Four Past Presidents…”. The ladies did a wonderful job of vividly presenting history, and explaining the associated Ossoli Circle challenges and triumphs, of the time they represented. Joyce Condry and Robin Goddard served as program chairs for the day.
Following an introduction, Miss Mary Boyce Temple (Joyce Condry) spoke of how honored she was to be selected as the first president of Ossoli Circle, serving from 1885 – 1890 and she also served as Secretary of GFWC International. Lizzie Crozier served French (Robin Goddard), the 33rd president was also the Ossoli Circle founder, women’s education enthusiast and suffragist activist. Members also heard from Mrs. Neil Spahr (Wanda Taylor), 46th president and serving in 1933 when clubhouse was built. Members realized that Ossoli Circle has been housed in our wonderful historical building for 91 years. What an accomplishment. A point of interest: it took some research to even uncover the 46th president’s maiden name, Francis West, because she was always referred as Mrs. Neil Spahr. Next there was a visit from our current member Janie Bitner, 132st president who had the difficult task of leading the Circle thru the COVID Pandemic. Ossoli Circle was blessed to have a group of leaders who were able to navigate the Pandemic years and survive.
The final speaker of the day was Susie Kelly to explain the purpose of the “Lizzie’s Legacy”, a fund established to help ensure the future preservation of the historic clubhouse. There are several tiers of donations. With a minimum of a $500 donation, the donor’s name is added to the permanent plague on display in the Clubhouse auditorium.