Founder’s Day 2020

GFWC Ossoli Circle celebrated 135 years! What an amazing milestone for the circle. Members were treated to a historical reading of important highlights in women’s rights influenced by Lizzie Crozier French. The reading was provided by Janie Bitner, Lexa Hooten and Joyce Condry.  Lizzie Crozier French (portrayed by Robin Goddard) made a visit reenacting her speech to the Tennessee Bar Association. A wonderful luncheon was provided for the membership with Joy Kelly chairing the committee.

Members continued to support shoebox gifts for children in Scott and Morgan Counties.  Contributions were also made toward meeting our goal to purchase a puppy for Smoky Mountain Service Dogs.  


President Taylor greets and welcomes members and guests.

Peggy Sood is honored for 50 years of service to GFWC Ossoli Circle.  THANK YOU PEGGY!