GFWC Ossoli Circle is named Club of the Year in the Large Club Division at the Tennessee State Convention

GFWC Ossoli Circle received the awards during the GFWC of Tennessee Convention. The convention was held at the Crown Plaza in Knoxville, Tennessee. In addition to being named the Club of the Year, Ossoli Circle also received the following awards:
- Health and wellness – 1st place
- Signature program domestic and sexual awareness and prevention – 2nd place
- Jr special programs advocates for children – 1st place
- Membership – 2nd place
- Woman’s history and recourse center – 1st place
- Communication – 2nd place
- Environment – 2nd place
- Leadership – 2nd place
- Legislation and public policy – 2nd place
- Civic engagement and outreach – 1st place
- Fundraising – 2nd place
- ESO – 2nd place
- education and library – 2nd place