GFWC Ossoli Circle and GFWC Tellico Village Women’s Club partnered to honor female veterans on Honor Air Flight 31. 

GFWC Ossoli Circle and GFWC Tellico Village Women’s Club partnered to prepare and present appreciation bags and gold embossed female veteran’s pins for the female veterans on Honor Air Flight 31.  The Flight to Honor Women Veterans departed Knoxville on October 12, 2022, with 144 East Tennessee female veterans and two WWII veterans to visit the memorials built to honor their service and sacrifice.  The return flight arrived back at McGhee Tyson Airport where they were greeted and recognized as heroes.  Many were in attendance to welcome and honor these women.  A delegation of members from Ossoli Circle and Tellico Women’s Club were in the crowd to cheer for these ladies and to present them with the appreciation bags.