Support to Dogwood Elementary Ambassador Program
Ossoli member Nancy Carmon participated as a judge at the Knox Regional Great Shake contest at Dogwood School. Your Ossoli in Action committee has supported Dogwood’s Ambassador Program for two years. The Ambassadors are students who attend special after school workshops on Leadership, Presentation Skills, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Communication, and Poise Under Pressure. They learn to shake hands, introduce themselves, speak making eye contact, and respond with poise, courtesy, thoughtfulness, and “Je ne sais quoi”. The 53 Scholars participated in three rounds of competition each of which was judged by community members and staff from the Central Office of Knox County Schools. The Ambassador chosen to represent Knoxville will go all expenses paid to participate in The Ron Clark Academy’s National Amazing Shake in Atlanta March 22nd-24th, 2024

OiA February Fundraising Party
The Ossoli in Action Committee has been working hard and achieving greatness! The committee shall plan an ongoing Ossoli project that will involve and benefit the Knoxville community and to complete any projects from the previous year. They also plan a project of special interest to the Ossoli President.
This year’s OIA Chair and Co-Chair, along with their committee of over 20 members, came up with a creative and fun Barbie party with the theme “The Power of Pink.” Members, guests and invited speakers enjoyed celebrating Barbie’s motto – “You Can Be Anything.” Prizes were awarded to the winners of Barbie Bingo, along with Barbie Trivia. Two of our members were appropriately dressed as Barbies. A huge Balloon arch was designed and placed in the auditorium by two of our new and very talented members. The arch also was a spot for photo opportunities.
Prior to lunch, four speakers addressed the group – two 6th grade
students from Dogwood Elementary discussing their Ambassador program, a representative from Second Harvest—our President’s Project for 2023-2024, and from KCDC’s (Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation) Vice President for Strategic Partnerships and Policies, who provided updates on the 32 unit Liberty Place apartment complex currently being constructed for homeless veterans. Ossoli in Action’s community project for this year as well as in 2025 will be Liberty Place. Members will be providing soft goods and decorating two of these one bedroom apartments once they are completed later this year.
As part of the Ossoli in Action tradition, Ossoli checks were presented to the
representatives from Dogwood Elementary, Second Harvest and KCDC for Liberty Place apartments.
Lunch was a buffet which included homemade items provided by our members: chicken casseroles, a variety of salads, and pink strawberry cupcakes. Dollars raised from this event will be for next year’s OIA’s community projects supported by GFWC Ossoli Circle.
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In addition to the donation made to KCDC, Ossoli Circle will be supporting Liberty Place, a complex focused on veterans who are homeless or at risk of being homeless and have received a HUD-VASH housing voucher. Check back later for more on what Ossoli Circle will be helping with in the fall of 2024.
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