Ossoli in Action Project 2021

Murder Me – I’m Irish Mystery Party was a tremendous success!

Thank you  Ossoli members!

The party raised raised $2942.00 which will fund our project with the Downtown Art Wrap.

The project is in conjunction with the Knoxville History project.  What is an ART WRAP?

The Downtown Art Wraps are a collection of traffic engineering boxes graphically wrapped on three sides showcasing locally significant artwork from Knoxville’s past. They also include an interpretive panel featuring a photo of the artist, a short bio describing the artist’s connection to Knoxville, plus sponsor and project partner recognition.

We have chosen the box at Henley and Main. The featured artwork is the East Tennessee Female Institute which sat right across the street where Church Street UMC is now located, artist Russell Briscoe. and the information will feature Lizzie Crozier French, our founder, who also founded the school and taught there. Information about GFWC Ossoli Circle will be included as well as a QR code to access our website.

 If you missed the Ossoli in Action “Murder Me–I’m Irish!” party, you missed a great time! Wonderful costumes, amazing Irish accents, a terrific lunch, special bar drinks, lots of good guesses, and great prizes for those who guessed the murderer (Jo Webb, Linda Williams, and Peggy Sood!!). Wanda was the VICTIM, sorry Wanda!

Paul James shared more information about the OiA project. We hope to have an unveiling in the next couple of months of “OUR BOX” for the Downtown Art Wraps.  

CONGRATULATIONS!! A fun event and a great day for Ossoli in Action–thanks to your generosity and amazing talents!

Thank you to Nancy Carmon, Roberta Pedigo and Kim Overman for organizing this event!


View pictures of members in disguise as they exchange clues and try to solve the murder!