Alzheimer's Support continued in 2024

Ossoli Circle finished third overall in the Corporate Sponsorship category. This is a tremendous honor. Also in the top three were Edward Jones and UT – Battelle. Thank you to all Ossoli members who participated in the Alzheimer’s Zoo Walk Team and for the generous donations made to support the team.
Nancy Christmas was named to the prestigious list of individual Elite Grand Champions for individual sponsorship.

Ossoli Circle Team Walks To End Alzheimer’s
Ossoli Circle had a team of 10 members plus several spouses and family members join the team for the Third Year that Circle members have walked to End Alzheimer’s. The walk was at the Knoxville Zoo and was a leisurely paced mile-long loop through many animals, dinosaurs and interesting sites.
Nancy Christmas, Team Organizer, wants to thank all who walked and the many more who made contributions to the Ossoli Team Walk. We LOVE your support and hope to exceed our $2500 goal. You may continue to make donation through the end of the calendar year.
President's Project 2022

Alzheimer’s Awareness, Research, Walk and Support: GFWC Ossoli Circle 2022 Alzheimer’s Community Service Project, chaired by our President Nancy Christmas, is multifaceted. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month and several clubwomen participated in seven different educational and informative virtual seminars sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. On June 17, a virtual Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research Symposium was held where participants (including ladies from GFWC Ossoli Circle) learned about the latest scientific advancements in the fight against the disease. State Senator Becky Massey is a member of the state Health and Welfare Committee (and honorary member of GFWC Ossoli Circle) and she addressed this serious mental health concern at the clubhouse on September 19. She stated that one of the reasons she got into politics was to be an advocate of people with disabilities. She stated that one of the things that people don’t realize too, is that sacrifices caregivers have to make. She mentioned that the Tennessee Dementia and Alzheimer’s Council are evaluating and improving some of the state laws. She urged individuals to let her know if something is being overlooked and, needs to be evaluated and addressed at the state level. Her speech was followed by a presentation by Sara from the Tennessee Alzheimer’s Association who went through various statistics. In addition, Sara presented a video that addressed: the 10 warning signs, care & support, research in the community, and diversity, equality and inclusion. In summary, she said she hoped the information presented lead to an elevated level of “concern and awareness” and motivation to get involved – such as in the Alzheimer’s walk that will take place on October 8, 2023.
Ossoli Circle is proud to announce that the 2023 goal of $4500.00 was reached! Great job ladies.

2022 Grand Champion ALZ Walk Award
Tennessee Chapter presents GFWC Ossoli Circle with the Walk Grand Champion Award 2022. They also presented Ossoli Circle with a plaque recognizing the Circle as the Top Corporate Team.