GFWC Ossoli Circle Mardis Gras Carnivale benefits Pain and Palliative Care and the Isaiah 117 House.
The Mardis Gras Carnival was held at the Ossoli Clubhouse, 2511 Kingston Pike on February 28, 2022. Members, dressed in gold, green and purple, were treated to an exiting day of carnival games and a delicious New Orleans meal including jambalaya and King Cake! The good times did roll!
All funds raised will support the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Pain and Palliative Care Unit and the Isaiah 117 House. Representatives from ETCH Pain and Palliative Care unit were presented with 50 “snuggles and hugs” comfort blankets made by club members. The blankets were placed into a bag along with other items (socks, activity books, fidget toys, crayons, and markers, etc.) to comfort the children while in the hospital.
Isaiah 117 House provides physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting foster care placement. Ossoli Circle members presented Christy Whitehead with much needed socks, underwear, gift cards and a check for additional needs.
GFWC Ossoli Circle is “the oldest Federated Woman’s Club in the South,” founded on November 20, 1885. One of the chapter goals is “Community Service Outreach”. Each year the Board of Directors identifies community projects for support. Two of the projects are identified to be the recipient of our annual “Ossoli In Action” Benefit Party. The club is always seeking new community partners as well as new members who share the goals and vision of the organization. President Kimery Overman selected the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Pain and Palliative Care Unit 2021 for the President’s Project. Nancy Carmon serves as the Ossoli in Action committee and party chair. This committee selected the Isaiah House 117 as the other featured community project.