Vicky Bechet, GFWC of Tennessee President, joined the April 26, 2021 meeting or GFWC Ossoli Circle and presented several awards that were announced at the GFWC of Tennessee Conference. GFWC Ossoli Circle was very honored to receive the Outstanding Club Award in Division IV. President Bechet is shown above presenting the Outstanding Club plaque and certificate to current Ossoli Circle President, Wanda Taylor. This award is the culmination of the hard work of member during the presidency of both President Bitner (2020) and President Taylor (2021). GFWC Ossoli Circle was also recognized in several other areas. The Circle received an additional five First Place Awards and five Second Place Awards at the conference. Ossoli Circle is grateful for the excellent job of recording and reporting all the activates by Elaine Ralston.
President Taylor, GFWC of TN President, Vicky Bechet, Past-President Bitner and Elaine Ralston
Ossoli Circle First Place Awards:
GFWC Fundraising and Development
GFWC Environment
GFWC Leadership
GFWC Jr Special Project Advocates for Children
GFWC Legislation and Public Policy
Ossoli Circle Second Place Awards:
GFWC Communications and Public Relations
GFWC Civic Engagement and Outreach
GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center
GFWC Signature Project Domestic Violence & Prevention
GFWC Membership
Individual members are recognized for their participation in the ESO project.